Closed vs Open? Really?

March 11, 2013

I am dealing with a lot of people getting stressed over the debate of if grids should all be open or at least have hypergrid open. I am just going to put this out there, there are tons of people who want everything free in life, and never want to pay for anything. I am sorry but the world requires money for us to get things done.

I have been hearing and seeing people damage grids reputations for charging for regions, making you pay for services and what not. Well honestly, you are paying them so they can turn around and use that money to do the following things:

  1. Pay the server costs (FYI, servers are not cheap, nor is the bandwidth costs normally used to operate them)
  2. Their time, these people are managing your entire back end FOR YOU, they deserve your money if you’re using thier services.

What you need to see, the back end of things of how open and closed grids work.

Open Grids: These grids run on sponsors, this means, companies, colleges, universities, and people donating. Perfect example, how many people know that when OSgrid was about to take the dive it was because “THEIR MAIN SPONSOR WAS DROPPING THEIR SUPPORT! they didn’t have any other sponsors, or enough donations to keep it going. So SimHost came in and decided to become the new sponsor, and well I am not going to get into that drama, I am just saying that somewhere along the line “SERVERS GOTTA GET PAID, THE AIN’T FREE!

Closed Grids: Why do these grids charge a bit more? Well it is actually the added security, the hands on support, you most likely have in world money investments, etc. These grids charge more because they have a bigger job to worry about. These guys are being PAID to fix your bugs, give your more direct support, manage RL money investment, people go to closed grids to make money. The backend of a grid like InWorldz, Avinations, etc have to be FAR more secure than your standard opensim grid. They gotta have firewalls, bugs fixed that allow you to steal items, etc. People have real investment in these grids.

Now onto the people getting upset with others for wanting to make money in personal grids, well dammit these people have every right to do this. The reason many people go closed is because these grid owners take care of their content, it is much easier for InWorldz to dispute and catch a content thief than it is for a grid like OSgrid or Metropolis. Because they can look and see the whole backend, and yes I know thieves are in the real world and theft is always going to happen, but does that mean we should let it go.

EXAMPLE: If we should let someone steal a complete line of clothing someone makes in InWorldz and Avination, and start giving it way for free on other grids. What do you think this does to their profits, their ability to make ends meet? then you might say “but that is virtual! well it is no different than going and robbing a Real Life clothing store, now they just went out several thousand dollars, gotta replace the door you broke, windows, clothes, etc. IT IS NOT RIGHT NO MATTER HOW SMALL THE CRIME!!!

So to all the people getting upset with content creators who make things for both closed and open grids, DON’T YOU DARE GET MAD AT THEM. They are honest people trying to make a living, that is what the internet is, a ecosystem like RL. I place for people to have fun, mingle and do things for free, but also a place for people to make money too. I mean if you think someone is overcharging for something, go to the competitor and buy the cheaper one, don’t steal it. You do that in RL you end up in Jail, just cause it is easier to get away with it online, do you think it is right? No!

Grow up! This is reality, shut up or go home! Cause you know what? If you live in the USA, ISPs have a new contract to catch online thieves like you, so they just made it harder for you to get away with because no matter how you look at it, it is still THEFT! Let content creators put their content where they feel it is safe, just like in real life, a designer store is not going to setup in the ghetto, because chances are higher they are going to get robbed, some still do it and that is their choice, so let the content creator choose, don’t demonize them for making the choose that makes them comfortable and not you. Grow up this isn’t high school anymore!

I am not hating open or closed grids, I believe each serves it’s own purpose. I live in both open and closed grids, I feel both are comfortable places to live and be in. I do love all of you, and I hope you understand why I am so harsh in this blog, it is because it needs to be said, so I said it.

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